• Asset Recovery-
    Not sure what type of capital you have locked up in hardware? We are able to accurately assess the market value of your equipment.

  • Liquidation-
    We offer the highest market value; cash or credit for excess, end of life and obsolete networking equipment.

  • Extended Warranty-
    Stillwater Communications works with the world's largest and most established third party maintenance providers. Enhance your margins by providing parallel OEM warranty coverage for a fraction of the price

  • Maintenance- Let us review cost effective maintenance solutions for self maintained, older networks, or systems that no longer require 24/7 coverage. Our goal is to save you money.

2009 Stillwater Communications | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Contact
Stillwater Communications is an independent distributor not affiliated with any original equiptment manufacturer, or their respective authorized channels. We provide a new solution; defined as un-used, un-opened, preowned equipment. All new solutions come with a one-year replacement-only warranty. All return material is subject to a mandatory 20% restocking fee.