A Small or Medium business is the realm in which we began, and we intend to continue doing what we do best: working with you. We can help you to forget about the endless process of registrations, paperwork and certifications and do what you do best: get back to work.
- The right to the best
At Stillwater Communications we believe that your abilities cannot be determined by any certifications, paperwork or online webinars. We think you earn the right to sell and work on a product based on your ability to do the work. If your client trusts you, if your IT department trusts you, then why shouldn’t we? We will provide the same type of solutions that the Fortune 500 enjoy to you the Small Business without requiring extra work. Forget the paperwork; you know what you need so let us put it in your capable hands.
- Attention
Our dedicated sales team will give you the same level of attention as our largest clients. There are no deals too small, and no small clients. We will work with you to get the deal whether you are a MBE/WBE working with the government or a single IT professional maintaining one client network.
- Flexible payment options
Times are tight, and we will give you the availability of Net 30 terms, and the same fair pricing on New or Used hardware that the biggest companies enjoy. Let’s face it, you shouldn’t have to spend the time shopping E-bay just because you don’t employ 30 engineers. Let us put the equipment in your hands at the right price.